As a client of Durmic Consulting, we promise to provide you with 24/7 tech support and consulting as necessary in order to help your business thrive.
Our professionals work around the clock and are dedicated to providing excellent service and solutions to solve any technology issues that may arise.

Desktop and Server support
Onsite and remote support
24x7x365 Emergency dispatch
Reactive support

Quick response to alerts and issues

Proactive support

Maintenance, monitoring, and patching

Network support

We offer technical support plans with service levels designed to meet the needs of your business.

As a client of Durmic Consulting, we promise to provide you with 24/7 tech support and consulting as necessary in order to help your business thrive.

Our professionals work around the clock and are dedicated to providing excellent service and solutions to solve any technology issues that may arise.

Your IT Department without the high cost

Our business model allows you to have all the technology solutions you need without the cost of having your own IT Department. We have technology specialists, engineers, and network technicians that can assist you quickly and efficiently.

Proactive IT Strategy

Our team is focused on minimizing business down time. We understand that your business depends on technology thats is why we make it our top priority. With our monthly support and monitoring services we make sure your servers and network is operating efficiently 24/7.

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